Originally Posted by Anonymous
In our town the HS lax coach runs a fundraiser every year in which parents fall all over themselves donating money and prizes in order to get on his good side. He also has a for-profit summer lax program that all the best players are "encouraged" to join and again, suck-up dads line up to help him run it.

So, yes, separation would be nice.....but the reality is the entire paradigm has moved in the opposite direction. These coaches use their positions to create other businesses and they need the parents support to make money. Not only are they not separating themselves from the parents they are actively courting them as donors and paying customers.

it is just this type blind pandering and idolizing that would allow an abusive coaching manner to fester and go unchecked. These lemmings then all look down at their feet when questioned why they tolerate such an egomaniac and abusive coach out fear of reproach by the coaches.

tell us please; what happens to the kids in your town that elect to play club ball outside of the "encouraged" for profit town team?