Except that the Geese beat the AA BBL Elite team 9-7 on 7/13/19 despite BBL playing three kids that were a full head taller than anyone else on the field, and who did 100% of the scoring for the team. BBL obviousky felt they could only compete with the pool if they added at least three non age appropriate kids, and they still lost the first game (although they did win the second - success!). But the fact remains: they lost to the Geese despite spiking their roster. Sad they felt they needed to do that. As for LI Express, there was at least one player who was older and one kid who was wearing a “North” jersey at the same tournament. I guess the lesson here is that there are adults who derive meaning in their own lives by being able to say “well, my son plays for _______ and they went [insert record].” And, It’s actually a good life lesson for the kids as well: winning matters most above all, so meet your new teammate, Johnny. I’m sure young Jeffrey Epstein and little Bernie Madoff had parents who were T Shirt chasers, too.