Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Pathetic that 7th graders are needed to save a 24 Cyclones in the 2025B division. I was at that game. No doubt it was true that there were older kids a head taller and bigger than the 11 year olds they played.

24 is a joke organization, they absolutely had several older kids on the team.

I am sure that some teams cheat with older kids, unfortunately its human nature. But size isn't always an indicator of age!! The 2026 Express team dads were complaining in Delaware once they realized that the Hawks team was better than them saying that the Hawks had older kids because a few were bigger and faster than their kids. Claiming hold backs and 2025 kids on the team (2025 was playing a few fields away). After hearing them complain all game its funny I see on here that Express apparently carry older kids on their teams. hmmmmmm

There actually is 5 boys on the 2026 Hawks that are 2025's. It's a fact. The coach confirmed this to the referees.