Originally Posted by Anonymous
7 year olds. And my kid did get asked to play for the elite dream team. We declined because at 7 years old it was hurtful to my sons friends and their families. You want your dream team at 7 go pay for travel. At 7, Let the kids play with their friends rather than tearing them up. Nothing to say about what this did to the kids and families since the development of the dream team right? Cause that’s okay?

Really? This happened 4-5 years ago, and kids were traumatised by this situation so much so that people were unable to move on from it.
And now have made it a point to defame this guy for setting up a competitive team on the town level, for which I am sure he was volunteering his time.
Just because you disagreed with the idea of a town competitive team.
Are you kidding me?
There is more than your town that has this debate in all sorts of sports about having different levels of teams. And there is arguments on both sides that make sense. Its hardly black and white.
But that you would let this get personal and fester for 5 years to go after a volunteer coach is absolutely crossing the line and reprehensible.