Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Any scores from PAL games yesterday? Be nice to share some information rather then bash kids and programs all day long.

Wow. Actually something useful on this message board. Please share any scores if you have them. The PAL website has never had scores or schedules updated.

PAL 7th grade??? They are playing middle school 5 days per week, plus travel another two days per week. Nobody cares about PAL at this grade.

Not all of the kids play travel and PAL lacrosse opens the window for kids to play with their town. Chaminade & St. Anthony's can only take so many. The rest have to go play at their HS programs. Club has created such a toxic environment that people scoff at the new player trying lacrosse and label that kid as an outcast.

Little do all of you elitist know but there's a soccer or baseball kid that will pick up a stick in 7th or 8th grade that will make your kid look silly. Lacrosse is not a game of skill, it's an athlete sport. I'll take a kid that can run for days and is tough over the lazy slug that has great stick skills but can't get out of his own way.

PAL is where those kids have a chance to play. Some people can't afford to pay other peoples mortgages. Keep forking over the $$$$$ and get smoked everywhere you go. But hey, you have nice gear and great helmets. Unfortunately nobody will be real with you and tell you your kid stinks because you pay them.

If your kid is a lacrosse player he should be loyal to his town, his HS, and his buddies before his club. County titles and real championships mean much more than these useless T-shirts and 4k club fees.

Bravo. Well said. Only thing i would pull back on a bit is that largely you can't teach speed and athleticism a player is at a huge disadvantage/ learning curve if he only picks up stick in 7th-8tth grade.