Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
CR will figure out who the top 3 players are on TG, elevate, and leg a sea cut deals like she did in the 2020 group with free tuition and daddy coaches.

I thought this team already had the best girls on LI?

How did the newly acquired talent on 2020 do this summer?

Other girls from other clubs are being coached, working hard and putting time in. While others are super athletes, that were still raw before this year, went to a club and got good coaching and training, having developed into a strong player since last year's tryouts. Some of these girls surpassed those on YJ Skak, and will be the ones she looks to poach away and replace those who were lazy, complacent or just stopped growing physically and can't hang at this level anymore. She should also be looking to replace those who destroy the environment for their teammates with their negative attitudes and condescending attitude towards teammates that make the team chemistry toxic.

Wow, sounds like some trouble in paradise? On a serous note what are some of these other clubs that girls got good training and coaching?