Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
You total stunad! On Sunday, Madlax destroyed True Illinois, 11-5, who beat Eclipse 3-1. The same Eclipse team that beat the mighty, mighty Wolfpack 5-4 the day before. Those are the cold hard facts, straight from Tourney Machine. Sure, Wolfpack won the age-based World Series....congrats, but then they turned around and couldn't even make the top 8 at NLF. Oh, and then the Wolfpack lost to NXT 1-0. Two losses in two days. I don't think Madlax has lost in over a year. Enjoy the rest of the summer. Wolfpackup and leave!

If you think that WP lost to NXT by a score of 1-0, then you weren't at the tournament. And you have not been paying attention, at all. Based on that comment, you aren't even a Madlax parent or child. Which leads to the question, what kind of person stalks an anonymous board, with no association? I can't imagine how bad this guys life is, spending every day and night attempting to get attention on this thread, just as if he were a 7 year old child. "Mommy, pay attention to me!" "Look at me!" "Watch me, mommy!" Dude, do your self a favor, get a hobby.

Totally agree. The guy must have been a very bad athlete as a kid and is obviously trying to relive his childhood again, only hoping it turns out better this time around. But to obsess like this is nuts. Must be his only purpose in life. It's a 24 hour a day obsession with this guy. Just ignore him. If he doesn't get any attention, he will go elsewhere.