Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Exactly. Hypocrites. What purpose does it serve to go out and build some custom team for a so called "World Series"?

Express is the only team that I am aware that is doing this. They did the same thing last year, but it didn’t pay off as they lost to the 91 Bandits team, which was their regular team. No ringers.

Taz and Pack are playing legit like they always do. No WSYL-only players. Just their regular total on-age teams. No screwing the loyal players and parents that have been with them for years. Win, lose or draw, these teams play with integrity, and play the game the right way. Not many top teams can make that claim.

What is wrong with People??? Your proclamation is COMPLETELY FALSE. 91 has an 8th grader on the team.... Legacy has 2 8th graders........ World series eligible but not 2024s.......
Pack has only competed at 2023....Cant say the same of Legacy. You can say Who cares.... ands thats fine... But to make posts that are all High and Mighty is just Garbage.

Another jealous Pack hater. Same ole same ole. I am a Pack parent and have been since day one. All families on the Pack are very, very tight, so we are all very familiar with each other. I can assure you there has never been an 8th grader on this team. Anybody that knows anything at all about the Pack knows that would never happen on this team.

Consider this... the coaches could very EASILY stack this team with a lot of kids from the WSYL championship Bandit team if they so desired. Everyone knows that. The Pack could walk away with that trophy, with ease, if they wanted to go down that road, that basically every other team takes. But the Pack chooses not to, and maintain loyalty to their parents and players. Is there any team, anywhere, that can say the same thing?? The answer is NO. Does this sound like a team that would recruit 8th graders??

And now some jealous mud slinger wants to soil the Packs reputation, because they are desperately afraid that the Pack is going to maintain their winning ways this year, and do so with class and character, matched by no other team. The real Pack haters can obviously not bare the thought!

I'm calling you out, again! Your jealous obsession has crossed the line. Tell us who these imaginary, stud 8th graders are, on the Pack. Give us some specifics. Jersey numbers. Home towns. Something. The last time this came up, of course, I got no response. C'mon, whatcha got for me, little man?? Very little man.

Mr loyalty you can rest assure when the lil wolfpack starts getting their brains beat in at NLF tourneys you will see how fast the roster turns over. Pending on how they do at the qualifier will determine if the bandits eligible players come on board. Lil Jonnys days are numbered. Remember at the end of the day its all about the business. Look at the bandits. Won the world series then got run over at NLF tourney and roster got turned over real quick. The loyal ones from day one got pushed to the back of the bus. The fun is just beginning!!!