Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Think about it. This team is so good and these boys are such good lacrosse players that grown men and women talk about them constantly. The jealousy is so insane that you actually know where these boys live, What teams they used to play for, what their parents are like to deal with, what the coaches are like and what they are going to do wrong or right.. hey WP whatever you guys are doing keep doing it. You have found a way to strike a nerve just being good at what you do. It is real clear that most of these threads are not WP parents and just simply jealous people for one reason or another. Listen up adults leave these kids alone and work on your own sons. Maybe that’s been this teams secret since day 1
You need to think about it. This site has and always will be about the Parents, including yourself. It is never about the kids. The cocky and the jealous hang on this site. YOU are so cocky and ignorant that you are blinded by how you feed into it. These KIDS are all young, But the parents are the ones acting like children. Just stay off the site and you would not have to worry about it and let the kids be kids and play the game they love. Parents are the problems.

Pot, meet Kettle