Originally Posted by Anonymous
Hey Madlax troll. How you going to feel after you lose to the #1 Ranked team in the world, which is between a year and two years younger than your cheater team?

I mean you go to all of this trouble, collecting more holdbacks and double handbacks than any other team, and then you go out and invite 2023 holdback guest players from other teams, just to be able to compete against the Pack. And you STILL lose! How's that going to feel?

Embarrassed? Ashamed?

Don't feel too bad. It prob won't feel all that bad, because you likely won't even get to play the number one team in the land.

I'm betting on an early exit for Madlax. Hey, at least you get a jump on the traffic! LMAO!! Losers!!

Karma stinks doesn't it. I feel bad for your kids.