This is the funniest stuff I have ever read. I'm on other threads myself but this is by far the craziest. You all realize you have 7th/8th graders and none of this matters right? I have a college player and a High School senior next year and a 9th grader. You will look back at these years and wish you were still there. Most of these kids haven't even hit puberty yet and you people are battling it out. Let me explain it this way, it doesn't matter where your kid is right now, he will be completely different in 2-3 years from now. I hear allot about "my 8th grader plays Varsity" or "we play up" or the best is "these teams have hold backs" Stop your madness, this road is looooong trust me on this. Most of these things are for the most part the Parents who need reassurance that there son or in cases daughter is Superior to everyone else at their grade. Most of these things are inside jobs or "favors by coaches to put their son in a certain position. Great job dad you filled that void in your life that you had back in the 80's and 90's. You did it. Awesome. What is the goal 1/4 scholarship, MLL? PLL?. Wake up