Originally Posted by Anonymous
Believe what you want. NLF Championship missing BBL, Brotherly Love and Legacy. Kids were burnt out after WSYL. My son wouldn’t trade that WSYL Championship for 3 NLF Championships. Congrats to Eclipse great program and players no shame in losing our only game of the year to that great team.

Quitter. Your son unfortunately plays for a organization that quit on a tournament. Great lesson....when the going gets tough...dont get up and dust off...run for the hills. Quit. Give up. Screw the other 2 teams that travelled just as far. Maybe you look back on the WSYL championship season with a proud feeling....but the after taste of QUITTING will always be there. I always rooted for LI teams if my son's team was not playing them. Now I will not. They embarrassed the sport, they embarrassed the whole culture of why we play sports. They are a complete joke for doing that. Coaches, parents, and organization are pathetic for allowing this to happen. Come up with your lame excuses. "Burned out from the WSYL." Please, keep telling yourself that. Take a good look in the mirror...you have failed your kid.