Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous

Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
It’s an AGE BASED tourney!!! If kids qualify for bday then they can play regardless of grade. If the fall 05s lived in GC, RVC, Manhasset CSH they would be held to start K later. This Denver will evolve to tryouts specifically for this tourney. Then regular season team
the players are suppose to be playing on the team. No guest members. Unfort . it will be another tournament that the big clubs will destroy again., all they care about is the win, win at all costs.

It’s suppose to be for “existing teams” but of course the sleezeball teams will exploit every single loop hole possible to gain the greatest possible advantage, EXACTLY as they do with the holdback issue. Since the WSYL only requires 2 tourneys played together to qualify as a “team”, that makes it pretty easy to ONCE AGAIN, cheat the system, for the person bag owners. The BUSINESS of youth lacrosse absolutely stinks. If there was no $$$ motive in youth lacrosse, the sport would be all about what’s best for the players and not all about what’s best for the greedy clubs. Disgusting business!

I am curious which club are you affiliated with?
91 is right behind Express so stop pounding your chest.

Hmmm. Sounds like the jealous haters are back. Well rested, I presume. If you can’t beat em, and you can’t join em, then spread lies about em, anonymously. You’re a real tough guy.