Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Tourney Machine 1-0 loss for WP in lost's bracket. Sounds like a forfeit. Did WP really take their ball and go home when they did not make the Top 8 and found themselves in the losers bracket.

Please tell us this isn't so. Can someone sane confirm.

Yup they left - didn’t even tell NXT so families stuck around for 2 hours to find out that WP can’t even handle having a single loss. Great lesson to teach those young men - should help them develop into real upstanding adults with great sportsmanship and moral compass!!

All respect built for 91 over the years lost in one day. They should be banned from next year’s event!!!

And you want to know the kicker? There will be no repercussions for this in the cesspool business of club lacrosse leading to downward spiral of unsportsmanship, deceit and classlessness. Federations such as NLF has the duty to self-correct and act to preserve their core tenets. Here’s their chance.

The boys and parents will have to live with this. Everything they built for and all the glory they chased and all the good things they did building an age based team are out the window. The mighty mighty WP is now the team that took their ball and went home. The WSYL win means nothing now. Cant believe there was no adult in the entire organization that made these kids stay. No excuse covers this nonsense. Pack parents can never argue with Madlax again. You have no class, no leadership and no place in youth sports. What an absolute disgrace....and I was a Pack fan!

Youth lacrosse is an absolute cesspool (perfect word). There are no standards for behavior, for sportsmanship, for age. There is no commitment to developing players, no loyalty and no commitment to actually COACH, just constant blame and trying to recruit new players to fix old problems. Coaches can be kicked out of games for behavior without any repercussion from parents--no expectation for an apology to the boys or otherwise. Dads yell at refs b/c their kid or team just isn't as good as they think and get away with it. Teams can leave tournaments b/c they lost a game and can't play in a losers bracket. Top directors are rigging tournaments to get to championships. And for what? Lacrosse gets you into college....best case. There is no pot of gold here, and no one is buying mama a fur coat and new house one day. These boys will all turn out worse than the men running it for them now. It is PATHETIC.