Originally Posted by Anonymous
You total stunad! On Sunday, Madlax destroyed True Illinois, 11-5, who beat Eclipse 3-1. The same Eclipse team that beat the mighty, mighty Wolfpack 5-4 the day before. Those are the cold hard facts, straight from Tourney Machine. Sure, Wolfpack won the age-based World Series....congrats, but then they turned around and couldn't even make the top 8 at NLF. Oh, and then the Wolfpack lost to NXT 1-0. Two losses in two days. I don't think Madlax has lost in over a year. Enjoy the rest of the summer. Wolfpackup and leave!

If you think that WP lost to NXT by a score of 1-0, then you weren't at the tournament. And you have not been paying attention, at all. Based on that comment, you aren't even a Madlax parent or child. Which leads to the question, what kind of person stalks an anonymous board, with no association? I can't imagine how bad this guys life is, spending every day and night attempting to get attention on this thread, just as if he were a 7 year old child. "Mommy, pay attention to me!" "Look at me!" "Watch me, mommy!" Dude, do your self a favor, get a hobby.