Originally Posted by Anonymous
Everything the LI lover says about LI dominance and lax culture is true! However the 2024 class nationwide is a level down in depth and talent than previous classes and with so many teams in one region lower talent and less depth is watered down even more!
Now add the insurgence if lacrosse across the country and I think this is the perfect storm for a non-LI and possibly Non-east Coast team to win.

I am on the fence about watching because the 2024 talent is so bad the tourneys I go to are painful to watch.

FYI, the better LI teams play at 2023 level...shhhhhh .Its what makes them more dominant at grade level.
Do us all a favor and stay on the fence,if watching is such a chore.
Even better, if your kid was there on the final day you'd get a better view.