Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Prime time

WHO CARES. Its the BIGGEST joke of a tournament. For the most $$$. Parents spend that 5k for you and your mini Rabil. He will outgrow his new shoes by Christmas. Put the $ towards Math tutoring.

Wow...Jealousy. But your TV will be on ESPN July 4th. Bye Bye B Daddy

Wrong. "A" starter Daddy who wants no part of this over July 4 weekend. I have other kids. And I do not have endless supply of $$.

So instead of bashing the tournament just say the truth. You have other kids and the $$$ is a concern. Not a big deal. But you calling it a joke shows deep down there is some jealousy that you are not part of it. Don't be a hater