You are delusional and invent stats to make your boldface lies seem legit. Are you the same person who said 90% of holdbacks don’t get recruited? May I ask the basis for this claim, other than picking it out of the air between your ears? Now you are saying your kid reached the climax of his lacrosse career in 7th grade, playing in front of 4,000 people and on National TV. More lies: Barton only seats 2,000 max. Where were the other thousands in attendance sitting? Long Island High School games get better attendance. On TV, it looked like an empty stadium except for both teams’ parents. The WSYL is done until they get a competitive field from outside NY. Did you even ask why they moved from Mile High Stadium to UofD? And where was the MLL game and fireworks this year? I feel bad for your son who peaked in 7th grade and doesn’t have the emotional maturity to handle the impact of losing (gasp!) to another on-age team in OT.