Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
OK, let's set the record straight, for ALL you HAPPY haters out there. The Pack won every 2024 game they played this year except for one meaningless game, which was lost in OT. No disrespect to Eclipse, as they are one of the very few top AA teams, and on age, too. But, the Pack went from the climax of their youth careers, playing before 4,000 people and on national TV, to a completely meaningless cheater tournament in 95 degree heat, with nothing left to achieve. Plain and simple, the kids were spent. The Pack had very, very few games this year that were even remotely close. They have been the #1 ranked team in both 13U and 2024 rankings all year long. They achieved this with one gigantic target on their back, as being THE team to beat on the 2024 grade level. They did all this with every player being on age. Is there any team, anywhere, that can make that claim? I think not.

As far as the NLF tournament, the directors notified all teams that were not in contention for a championship, that they could elect not to play their remaining games, due to the heat advisory. There was no mention of the word "forfeit". With nothing left to play for, it was assumed that all such teams would elect not to play, given the extreme, unsafe conditions. With all that said, it was a most memorable and extraordinary year for our boys, to say the least. Now, it's on to next year.

That's a bold face lie.....AND YOU KNOW IT......... No other team left, there were many teams that came expecting to be in the playoffs and they all stayed and played through to Sunday.

- The WP coaches should be fired!!! This is your tournament, you set up a powder puff schedule and lost. All of the other kids have been playing in the heat this summer (a lot in Denver too)... You just got beaten

- We need to remember that they missed their game on Sunday too, which left parents having to PAY for an extra night at the tournament.... There is no recovering that wasted money

Someone else said it..... Like the Madlax coach who messed up big time, who now in all fairness, seems to be a decent guy but we remember what he did..... The name Wolfpack will always be remembered for being a low class set of loosers...

WP parents, next year (next month) when they start dropping your smaller boys to get bigger bodies please stay away from my team.... PS.... look at what happened with the Bandits.... its coming, because they are needed to compete

Let's cut the mindless, juvenile garbage posts for just five minutes, and look at the cold hard facts, straight from Tourney Machine. The last time Madlax played teams that the Pack has played recently, the scores... straight out of tourney machine... were as follows:

Madlax - 7 vs Hawks - 5 (NAL Invitational)
Madlax - 4 vs LI Express - 2 (NAL Invitational)
Madlax - 8 vs Express North - 5 (NLF)

The last time the Pack played these three teams, the score was as follows:

WP - 7 vs Hawks - 3 (NLF)
WP - 6 vs LI Express - 1 (NLF) *(Express grade-based team, not WSYL age-based team)
WP - 8 vs Express North - 3 (NLF) *(Express North grade-based team, not WSYL age-based team)

In every single game, the point differential was greater when the Pack played the same teams that Madlax did. In total the WP goal differential was 14 to Madlax's 7, or WP had double the goal differential that ML had.

Now, the facts don't support all of the Madlax mindless, juvenile posts, now do they? Any logical person (that can add!) would look at the data and conclude that the far younger, completely on-age, guest-less WP is the better team. There is just no way to come to any other conclusion, based on the data. Hence their #1 ranking for the entire year.

So the Pack won't be taking any of your advice, and go down the empty, moral-less road of holdback heaven, which is the same advice that you have been giving every year. Every year you say that WP can't compete against teams like Madlax that are two years older, without adding holdbacks. And every single year, you are wrong. Yeah, I think we'll pass on that advice again this year. No need for inferior, older players, just to get their size advantage for a couple of years. We'll just go with the on-age talented kids. It's served us pretty well.

Mad lax will undoubtedly keep doing what they do, which is play with a team that is 100% holdbacks, double boldbacks, guest players from other 2023 teams, and players from their own 2023 team... all conveniently confirmed by your own players, via social media (those darn kids!). The Pack, on the other hand, will keep doing what they do, and that's winning a whole lot of lacrosse games, with no holdbacks and no guest players, but a whole bunch of talented players and coaches.

scores mean noting. No shot at beating Madlax. WP will be on a steady decline going forward!!!.