Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous

Originally Posted by Anonymous

Question for you. Since you are arguing the pro side of the holdback controversy, im assuming you are from MD or the surrounding area. Also assuming you are not a Madlax parent since you seem rational. So here goes... why do you think the MD teams have so much trouble with the LI teams, who are much younger? If the MD players are top tier players, and a year or more older than the LI players, then there should be no contest. But that is clearly not the case.

That is a very good question. MD teams play an entire HOCO season before playing the LI teams, while the LI teams are just beginning their tourney season. And every MD team is LOADED with holdbacks, and always have been. If these MD teams are top teams, these games should not be remotely close. But they always are very close. Would love some “intelligent” responses.

Do mid-Atlantic teams have trouble with LI teams? Maybe 1 or 2 LI teams can pose a threat, but the vast majority of LI teams don't compete with the vast majority of Md teams. Outside of Taz and then sometimes WP, what teams from LI are competitive?

Dude. You are either reading impaired, or you just aint smart! Or, maybe you are one of those private school kids in DC. Regardless, pay attention!

There are a lot of LI teams that are very competitive, against all other on-age teams. If they played Madlax or any MD team for that matter, without their holdbacks, they would give them more than a competitive game. In fact, odds are they would smoke any MD team that is actually on-age.

* * * You are forgetting. Your 2024 teams are what we call 2023 teams (with some 2022's mixed in). * * *

So you are thinking that MD is soooooo competitive at the 2024 level, but there are very few 2024 aged kids in MD 2024 lacrosse!

I know it's confusing for you. Just try to remember... when thinking about 2024 lacrosse in MD, you just subtract 1 year from the grad year, to figure out what grad year the players would be in, if they weren't all holdbacks. For example: MD 2024 Lacrosse Players = 2024 - 1 = 2023 players. That's just a little trick that I use to help me remember. Hope it helps you.

Yo. Madlax can’t play anyone without their holdbacks. The sport of lacrosse requires 10 players on the field. There is no where close to 10 non-holdbacks on Madlax. I’d be shocked if they had any.