Originally Posted by Anonymous
Other than the top 4 in these us club lax rankings, the rest aren’t even close in caliber and it doesn’t really matter how they’re ranked to be honest. I can tell you with all certainty that once the spring rolls around and teams are back to full strength, Next Level won’t stand a chance against Hawks or BLC in HOCO league. You can scramble the top 4 rankings on any given day but after seeing this madlax team this past fall season there’s no doubt their better than they’ve ever been and all teams will struggle against them.

The ranking is a total joke. How does a 2024 team, that goes undefeated all fall playing up in the 2023 bracket, get ranked below a ‘22/‘23 team of cowards that play down all fall. Total joke. Still waiting for the Madlax cowards to play one on age game. Just one. One??