Originally Posted by Anonymous

Originally Posted by Anonymous
From the MADLAX defenders to the Taz & Wolfpack lovefest; it is Sooooo sad! not only did your best days pass you years ago but you are driving your kids to have their peak in life the summer after 7th grade. 12% of your kids will play in college the rest of you are going to have nothing to show for your sons youth. Stop going on about little Johhny’s Team to make yourself feel better. You are all an absolute JOKE! Your posts are like train wrecks they are horrible but I can’t stop reading them. I’m feeling horrible about the state of America - not because of politics - but because of you and everyone in youth sports like you.

Just go to your kids game because he likes playing, enjoy the game and shut the F up!

Now that was uplifting.

But seriously, we get it. Your kids team stinks. Your kid stinks. You sucked. And as a result, your life stinks. Got it. stinks to be you.

That is what you took from my post - you are either a psychologist or you have your head so far up your own butt you think the world revolves around your elitist rectum. Either way t doesn’t change the fact that you’re putting your precious 7th grader on a pedistol that will hurt you both when he s knocked off.

As far as who stinks I would rather be me than any of you!