Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
First let me start off by saying I have never been a fan of the Express. I have heard and looked at many post to come to a conclusion that it all must be true . I have never had a my son play for the program but he has many friends that do and I finally gave in and went to the tryout. I have been to few tryouts in the past not a ton but enough to be able to evaluate a good tryout from a bad one. This tryout was nothing less than Fantastic, it had many great drills, great coaching , lots of evaluators , teaching moments and positive reinforcement. My son had a great experience and is looking forward to the next tryout. If the tryout is any indication on how the program is run and my son is able to make it I would not hesitate to join the Express program.

Not an Express parent, but Express has been a top travel program in this country for a long time. It's obviously a good club. Don't believe the garbage on here. There is no perfect club, but Express is definitely one of the top options out there. Anybody that argues that either has a chip on his shoulder from his son being cut or not getting enough playing time, or they are clueless about travel lacrosse. You want what's best for your child, get him with a top organization, which on Long Island is either 91, Express or Igloo.

Noone argues that Express is not one of tge top teams.
But in the end that means nothing if your kid is not getting playing time.
Before going on these teams be honest as to where your kid lies in the pack.
If he is one of the weakest kids, then go with a different team where his is in the middle or higher. Kids want to play lacrosse.
If they dont, why are you doing travel at all.

Agreed. The point is to play, get better and HAVE FUN. If that's not happening, you're wasting your money and your childs chidhood. Remember, travel lacrosse takes up the better part of your child's free time during his ENTIRE youth. You are in control of that. Don't have him spend the majority of his childhood sitting on a bench, being miserable. You will regret it big gime, when this is all over, and that little boy is now a man.