Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
There are many excellent self help and parenting sites available for the wolf pack parents. Stop worry about others since you appear to have the problems. No one made you compete in the NLF and you knew the rules (god knows you have been crying about it all year). Can't wait for HS and your kids have to compete with kids 3 or 4 years older. I'm sure you will still be crying about it anyway.

I'm not a Wolfpack parent but I classify kids who are re classed or held back for sports the same as I would for anyone using steroids. You should be proud of your kids who are excelling with an extra one, two or three years of testosterone. Just lame.

Get real. No one holds their kids back 2 or 3 years. No one. A year, absolutely, but it’s not about sports in most cases. The hard truth is that some kids are bigger and better than others.