Originally Posted by Anonymous
Pack hardly played anyone this year other than at the wsyl north qualifiers and 2 good teams at wsyl. Didnt really any md teams etc. good team but far from dominant. There are many good teams at this age.

You may want to consult a Hawks parent before making hasty comments. That enormous holdback team was CRUSHED by the #1 ranked Pack. Yeah, same team that gives Madlax all they can handle, were CRUSHED by the Pack. More proof? Madlax barely squeaked by Express North this weekend. A 3 point differential. Pitiful. They didn’t even qualify for Denver and the cheatingest team in 2024 barely beats them. How embarrassing! I mean your whole team is holdbacks, and as if that’s not enough of an advantage, your own players brag about how you use kids from the 2023 team, on the 2024 team. Even that isn’t enough, so you bring 2023 players from different teams. All this to win a 7th grade lacrosse game. You say that holdbacks aren’t cheating. What’s your stance on Madlax using 2023 players from both the Madlax organization and other clubs. Confirmed by your own players. 2023 grade players, playing on the 2024 team. Is that cheating? Madlax is the true garbage disposal of youth sports. Pure trash. Well known and well documented.

Keep going down that road. Your team is a JOKE.. you will never beat MADLAX. Stay off the board !!!! There is alot of good teams out there. Your not the Best!!! What you are the best at, is packing up and leaving when it does not go your way. Disgraceful!!! WOLFPACKUPANDLEAVE!!!! ppaaaaaaaaaaccccccccckkkkkkkkk uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuppppppppp!!!!(quote)

[quote=Anonymous]My son is a 2024 on a lower level team than Pack or other AA teams. That being said I have been on these boards for a couple years and have seen crazy come and go. I have to say this Madlax parent is an insane person and needs medication. I have seen these Madlax boys, they are 100% older. To compare your older kids to on age 2024 Pack or any other 2024 team is insane. If Madlax could have played in Denver they would have. It is well known they are older and it is what it is, but this person needs serious medical attention.. This is 7th grade people, go in the pool..

This is the best response to a post all season. I say we close the board this season on a HIGH NOTE!!! Have a great summer....