Originally Posted by Anonymous

Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
OK, let's set the record straight, for ALL you HAPPY haters out there. The Pack won every 2024 game they played this year except for one meaningless game, which was lost in OT. No disrespect to Eclipse, as they are one of the very few top AA teams, and on age, too. But, the Pack went from the climax of their youth careers, playing before 4,000 people and on national TV, to a completely meaningless cheater tournament in 95 degree heat, with nothing left to achieve. Plain and simple, the kids were spent. The Pack had very, very few games this year that were even remotely close. They have been the #1 ranked team in both 13U and 2024 rankings all year long. They achieved this with one gigantic target on their back, as being THE team to beat on the 2024 grade level. They did all this with every player being on age. Is there any team, anywhere, that can make that claim? I think not.

As far as the NLF tournament, the directors notified all teams that were not in contention for a championship, that they could elect not to play their remaining games, due to the heat advisory. There was no mention of the word "forfeit". With nothing left to play for, it was assumed that all such teams would elect not to play, given the extreme, unsafe conditions. With all that said, it was a most memorable and extraordinary year for our boys, to say the least. Now, it's on to next year.

So all the winning teams played some other location where is was NOT hot?? Unsafe? Face it the team quit and went home. End of story. Nothing left to play for?? In 7th grade?? How do you even type that?? How about the team you were supposed to play? This is going to be the rep on this club for a while.
STOP!!! JUST STOP!!1 No EXCUSE!!.. you were wrong. The coaches wrong, the parents wrong. !!! stay off the board you are only making it worse for your MIghty WOLFPACKUPANDGO when we lose team.

Hate on, righteous jealous haters! Same ole same ole. Still talking about the Pack. Always talking about the Pack, going on 7 years, now. Jealousy is the most sincere form of flattery, don’t you know. So keep on hating, haters. Your lame, irrational posts are music to the ears!
Music... You really are drinking the kool-aid. No one is jealous of Stuck up spoiled Parents, who get up and leave when you lose a game.

There’s only one reason for the hate, friend, and that’s pure jealousy. The old... “you got what I want” is the catalyst for hate. Ask the great Tom Brady about that. Or the NY Yankees. Or the New England Patriots. All symbols of tremendous success, and all hated by the masses, because they have what people want, but will never have. So keep on hating, haters. It’s the truest form of flattery. Total vindication for our boys.

Brady was suspended for cheating..