Originally Posted by Anonymous
Express plays in earlier, easier games, but somehow manages to not play any of the AA teams of Taz, Laxachusetts Black or Primetime. They were scheduled to play Primetime, but that game mysteriously changed to True Blue, a far easier team. Express is the only team in the tournament that plays no AA teams on Saturday. A coincidence that this is an Express tourney and their own team is given the easiest schedule of any team in the tournament and a free ride to the number one seed for the playoff game? Given the antics thT Express is all too well known for, this should surprise no one. Makes me want to puke!

Originally Posted by Anonymous
Express plays in earlier, easier games, but somehow manages to not play any of the AA teams of Taz, Laxachusetts Black or Primetime. They were scheduled to play Primetime, but that game mysteriously changed to True Blue, a far easier team. Express is the only team in the tournament that plays no AA teams on Saturday. A coincidence that this is an Express tourney and their own team is given the easiest schedule of any team in the tournament and a free ride to the number one seed for the playoff game? Given the antics thT Express is all too well known for, this should surprise no one. Makes me want to puke!

Check out the brackets for 2024.

Black Bracket

Laxachusetts Yellow (B team)
TB (B+ team)

Orange Bracket

Taz (A team)
Primetime (A team)
Laxachusetts Black (A team)
Shore 2 Shore

White Bracket

WP (A team)
Igloo (A team)
Eclipse (A team)
Express North (A team)

There are four legit AA teams in the white bracket and two legit AA teams in the Orange bracket and one legit AA team in the Black bracket which is of course the Express bracket.

Express gets a free ride to playoff game, plays all their games on turf, with the lowest GA average, since they play no one. while the white bracket has several AA teams that will be knocked out early.

I have never seen such a blatant example of bias in a tournament. This Express tournament is a total scam designed to give their own team every possible advantage, short of simply handing them a free T-shirt. Absolutely disgraceful example of just how bad this greedy business of youth lacrosse can get, with absolutely no governing body to insure some type of basic fairness, except for the greedy clubs. The people that make the money, make the rules. A conflict of interests perhaps?? Disgusting.

This tournament should be boycotted.