What happened to Taz in championship? Guessing they ran out of gas. I didn’t see the game, but based on their very limited depth, I’m willing to bet that’s what happened.


Actually one of their parents told me their extreme holdback missed game one. He essentially won the championship game for them. Creates their whole offense. Great player. Turning 14 soon they said[/quote]

I dont think 1 player on Schwaljes team would make that much of a difference.
I do wonder if after Chan forfeited the 2025 spot, did Chan have any of his best players stay to play on Schwaljes team for the playoff and championship. That would have given Schwaljes team a lot more depth and multiple strong lines to pull from.

You didn't watch the game then. He Ran the offence and won the game. Light years better than any other kid on that team. assists and goals-- everything came from him. Hey maybe he taught Schwalje what an assist is.

TAZ had an 8th grade defensemen, as well. Hate to say it but you just get used to teams pulling this stuff.