Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Igloo get's the #17 INSIDE LACROSSE World Ranking. Seriously, your boys got the shaft on that one. C'mon, in reality your boys beat Taz in the semi final had it not been for the most obvious no-call that I have seen in a very long time. A REALLY B-A-D job by the refs. Your boys deserve better, a lot better. Good luck in Denver. You boys will do well.

first off that game was in pool play and secondly they are playing college rules. A REALLY B-A-D job by you Igloo dad. Come find us in Denver and we will run you a benefit.

The ranking go by what the records and competition have been over the past 2 seasons.
Igloo is 0 fer against Taz,Express and 91 in probabbly 30 meetings,,,dummy

True but it goed by were they finished in the qualifier 7th place. Watch BL will be 2 and Taz 3 or 4.

Taz also Beat BL as well in the fall. On any given day teams can win. The way it is now. Which is great to see.