I think many of these posts are from kids. At least I hope so. The kids will hopefully grow out of this. If parents are posting this nonsense, please spend some time reflecting on where you are in your life. I post this because numerous people mentioned to me that specific coaches, parents, and kids are referenced, and that many posts easily reference particular kids - names or not. The goalie from so and so, the coach's son, etc. I did not believe it.

Well, what I've read is disgusting. This is youth lacrosse and should be placed in perspective. If you were happy where you are in life, you would not spend energy bashing other kids, parents and coaches. Plain and simple.

And to the "owners" of this forum, enough with the auto edits for team names. Its childish and feeds the general lack of maturity displayed many of the posters. I know, "it's your forum," but whether I like it or not, kids read it and you should take some responsibility for properly editing as necessary. Blacking out team names because you have some playground beef with someone should not be one of those times.