Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Brine is funny. If my count is correct there are more '21 igloo kids that made it than: 89+2, Terps, Legacy and fl$ who all had multpiple kids and Igloo '20 with one. Sure, no bias whatsoever in the selection process.

Maybe that's because most of the evaluators were from igloo, a team that could not even score one point against tax last weekend, yet these boys make Brine? Another evaluator was told his opinion didn't matter even though he was a specialist in a certain position, so a different kid could get trough. Shameful playing politics with these kids after grabbing their money. And if you are wondering, no my kid did not tryout, for this exact reason!

There are also 2 teams being sent down. Wait and see which one they were assigned to.

The amount of 2021s, all from the same club, is sad. Clearly the evaluator from that club forced his kids on the team. Hopefully they'll do the right thing and put them on the "seconds" team. There are a few 2021s that can hold their own but NONE good enough to play on a 2020 all star team. TA making a bad name for himself even worse...