Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Not quite sure how one particular MD parent (goalie's father?) loudly & obnoxiously coaching from the sidelines made it through the day. Already started during the Prime Time game, face was already turning red & looking like a cardiac arrest was imminent. But they did win, so at least now his life must feel complete.....

Prime time parents were pretty fired up too. They won so maybe the expert "coaching" helped.

MD Maryland dad should be proud of his 16 year old Goalie! Can't wait till he faces kids his own age and isn't able to be a bully on the field!

There are quite a few holdbacks on Md 9 te 1 2020 team. Their coach will try and have you think otherwise but many know the true story.
And people are correct, I am from Md but my son plays on a different 2020 elite team that wasn't in this tournament but have play this team before, and the parents are horrible, just loud and out of control. The coaches ex wife is something else. Her Facebook page is full of BOOM!, WOOP WOOP!, and other crap like that and at the games she is just as loud yelling at the refs as anyone else and out of control. BOOM