Originally Posted by Anonymous
Virtually any team in the 2020 HOCO elite division is better than 99% of the teams across the country. Crush being the 1%. Even though 90+1 went 0-6 in HOCO they are a good team. Having said that - their coach is a loud mouth and their parents are awful. They are not full of Holdbacks. If you want Holdbacks looks at Crabs and FCA.

Agree. The coach needs to check his own behavior, that of the 2-3 dirty players and the parents on the side lines. The damage being done to the reputation of the team and the kids who are serious about playing at the next level will be ruined by the behavior of the parents and the out of control kids. 91d should seriously look at the coaching if the team had that many 1 point or OT games. Sounds like most of the kids have the talent but perhaps the coaching in critical situations could use improvement- and not from the sidelines. Sure way to lose the games with kids being shouted at from all directions in heated games. And the one dad....put him in his car or his kid does not play. If it means no goalie then the whole team learns the hard way.