Originally Posted by Anonymous
The coaches for American Select do not select their teams. There are different evaluators.

That being said, last years team was a joke. You had girls that could not catch or throw. It was a disaster. The MD American Select team got whooped. Embarrassing. And the coaches were awful. Just stood around.

Hopefully it will be different this year, and those selected deserve their spot on the team. Not because they are connected or need to have representation from 'B' teams...

90% of parents last year realized it was a money grab for 2028’s (which it still is this year) another 5% that attended and saw that very few top 2028’s were there did not accept their invites so the team was left with girls that could not catch and throw. I expect the talent to be much better this year with the folding of AU futures and many 2028 teams and top players not in attendance for AA.

With so many new all star games popping up difficult to tell year to year what will be considered the “best” that year until you attend a tryout and see the rosters.