How funny is it that when a team wins automatically people overlook facts and go straight to fiction . Age based tournament clearly is just that! For the long islanders you all know through the years team long island played the U brackets having two grades of players on the majority of teams . Never really heard anyone bitching about that , but what's more ironic how quickly the heat gets pulled away from blaze who harbored 3 - 8th grade - rising 9th graders and the focus goes to Zummo . It would have been the same circumstance if it was Blaze who won the championship. None of these team did any wrong doing, just because AA didn't pull any age appropriate 2020 players doesn't make him the angel . He although did have older players through the years but got his act together in recent .
Now more focus starts up about Zummo getting pounced this upcoming weekend against other grade appropriate teams , all to justify ones self esteem. So you now think your team could beat the championship team. Wow you need a life. Let your son have those goals , not the egotistical parent that most of you are. When JR is done with this all , your home life is going to really suck.