Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
It's aged based. U11 rules were a player had to be born after 6/1/2004. Those are the rules. All of teams were required to submit birth certificates including the Duke's before the tournament. Everyone that competed in the division was born after 6/1/2004 and the Duke's played within the rules.

So it was sorta a U11 age based tournament.
6/1 is not U11 according to USL.
9/1 is U11 according to USL.
So this was a tournament that allowed kids held back to play and anyone else that met the 6/1 date no matter what grade. Better than the grade base tournaments only that allows kids that are heldback to get this advantage and play down while everyone else exact same age takes a hike.

All youth based tournaments should be according to age. It is a true equalizer.

All youth based tournaments should be based on height and weight. It is a true equalizer.

Your the guy that takes a good discussion and ruins it.