Originally Posted by Anonymous
Hey meatball . Ever wonder why UA doesn't post a college coach list? Think about . We will be attending the LP Summit ( wonder what that is?) at the end July... my guess is your kid won't be! Enjoy the UA dream. Say hello to Granville coach! Btw is your kids club still waiting for that G8 invite? It's not coming !

Good for you the LP Summit , zero competition , with no list of college coaches . If your kid had ever made a UA team you would have a clue but you do not .Even funnier that you think it's some honor for your club to go to the G8 .The best players that are in the G8 tried out for UA most of whom did not make a team.The fact that you are either too ignorant or so bitter you can't accept the fact that UA simply has the best players of any tournament would be funny if it weren't so sad. Word of advice , calling someone a meatball paints a pretty clear picture of who you are , think Sopranos just fatter .