Mom or Dad - not to call out a kid but something doesn't add up with a 90 average and 1000 SAT.

A 90 average would equate to anywhere between a 4.0 to 3.75 cumulative GPA depending on the grade point scale of school.

Maybe the schools could explain away low SAT test score and pitch she had the GPA. But many of the high academic schools don't set the bar as low as you suggest. The average is the team average, so it's the sum of all vs. comparing the two. But NW, ND, GTown want more than 1200 - know that for sure. UNC and UMD not so much, but what you don't reference is your "stud" wasn;t asked to take the SAT numerous times - which if it's true it was a 1000, they would of made you take the SAT and/or ACT repeatedly to get the score up.

I laugh at the implied notion this were the schools considered, because clearly all of those schools don't operate that way. Nor do all those schools play of the game of extending an offer, regardless of the studliness, if they are all "involved."