Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
So YJ now has 2 (A) teams and 2(B) teams? Based on the new color code on the website Curcio and Jones are now Both A teams? and the 3rd and 4th team are now B level teams..Is anyone buying this bunch of baloney CR is selling?

What it is, is brilliant marketing. 2x as many dads get to chest pound that his daughter is on blue, 2x as many others get to say their daughter is on yellow, which can be rationalized by daddy in a better light than a C,or D team.
Yellow Jackets get to keep more money by selling the teams this way. Clever on their part if the people buy into it. In actuality though, it is nonsense.

Only problem is now Jones will have to play in same division as Curcio, and that is not going to be good for Jones team. Did CR think this through, or will she just continue to put Jones in B division? Hence revealing they really are just the B team....
Kinda puts these kids in a crappy position.