Originally Posted by Anonymous
Guess you will all find out who is telling the truth after tryouts and the new teams are formed.
But while on the birthdate/holdback topic. I watched a 2029 game today in which a player on one of the teams was taller than the ref as well as both of his coaches. The ref was 6ft tall. This was 2029, before 99.999% of boys hit puberty. He took the face offs against normal size 29s and won them all. He scored, they put a pole in his hand and put him on defense end of the game where he hurt a kid. Parents on his team quiet as a mouse the whole game. Parents on the other team not believing what they are watching. 2029 players, and this kids taller than my 15 yr old with just as much leg hair. Coaches high fiving him after he scored. Age base teams can’t get here fast enough.

Wah. No kids are allowed to be taller than my kid. Wah. Unless you know the kid was actually older, you are just a whiner who is having a hard time coping with defeat.