Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
We’ll see how the LI teams fare against some real competition. Next up, Tigers XXVI, BBL Black and Primetime. I’m guessing they won’t fare too well. Those are 3 of the better teams from this summer. I’m guessing bottom two in Black division.

What tourney is that?

Tristan Octoberfest 10/26/19. On Tourney Machine. No schedule but click Standings under the 2026AA division.

CoachC is playing an angle for the Tristar tournament as well.
He has an AA bracket and an A bracket. ( Which is just a sales tactic. The AA bracket is A and the A bracket is really B. Typical car salesman sales methods).
It appears he registered both Haugen orange and Gaugen black (his A team of 40-50 kids he supposedly split into 2 teams) both in the AA bracket.
Except when you look farther in tourney at tristar you will see he breaks down the AA bracket into 2 other brackets. The Black bracket and the Orange bracket.
He has put 6 teams in the Black bracket: haugen Black, BBL Black, Express North, Primetime, 91 Orange Storm, and Tiget XXVI
Then in the Orange bracket: Haugen Orange, S2S, Rush Force, and Outlaws

In put all the weakest teams who are really more B teams in the bracket against Haugen Orange. This way Haugen Orange has no reak competition and doesnt get demolished by teams like Primetime, Tigers, 91, ect...
Essentially he created a B bracket inside the AA bracket to make Gaugen Orange look good.
Ridiculous. Typical switch and bait technique just to make it seem like his 2nd team is a high level A team.

Clearly the schedule and brackets will change leading up to the tourney. This is why in most cases nothing is posted to tourney machine until it's finalized. Express Haugen orange isn't even listed as of right now. Things are changing all over. Calm down.

LOL. Look more closely. Express Haugen Orange is listed. But they moved it out of the AA bracket into the A bracket with Express Wieczorek. Which us actually a B bracket. CoachC just likes how it sounds to say AA and A, instead if A and B.
He clearly has no faith in this 2nd team and is giving it the shaft as he does with any other age group. In the end it's only his one top team that means anything.

And even better he has the games scheduled so he can send some of his better players over to help the B team in their games. There is no overlap. They can play A game than B game than back to A game etc...
It's just laughable the antics if CoachC.