This sight is great! It's my first time on and it's like watching a crappy reality series like real housewives or something. These are kids playing a kids sport. Most of the comments on this website sound like they are coming from parents who are waaaaay over the top when it comes to having to win. These kids are ten. Elementary school. Let the kids be kids and stop the yelling. Be happy that your kid has a lacrosse stick in his hand rather than a video game. Mine plays on a travel team as well as his PAL team. When he plays PAL he wears his travel helmet because it's just dumb to buy an extra helmet just so parents won't bash my kid for being a "ringer". tThere are so many travel teams out there that it's not hard to find someone willing to take your check. Every kid can be a travel kid. Some are better than others. These "ringers" are still just ten. Stop putting so much pressure on these kids!