Originally Posted by Anonymous
based on what I have read on BOTC, what I have heard people say and my experience navigating the recruiting process with two kids who currently play in college I am pretty sure that there are going to be a lot of disappointed / disgruntled Long Island parents in the coming weeks and months.

There are just too many delusional parents out there who believe their child is way better than she is. During the recruiting process the college coaches will let their actions speak and their actions will tell the parents where their daughter ranks. Too many parents think they know who all of the best players are and which players should be "ranked" or make a team i.e. UA, AS etc... or which Club Team is the best.

News flash, if the best college programs are not making offers it's a safe bet that the player is not considered to be a very strong player. If we look at the best college programs, the programs that are consistently in the Top 10-20 we will see maybe 25 Long Island players end up at these schools. There will be a very small number of players who receive offers from the top programs but for whatever reason choose to go elsewhere. For the most part the best players will have their choice of schools and they will more than likely find a home at one of the best college programs. The list of schools is pretty diverse in terms of academics, location, size of school etc...

College coaches do not recruit club teams, they recruit players and they recruit these players from all over the country, I doubt most parents from Long Island had any idea who Izzy Scane or Charolette North were when they were juniors in HS. I will guarantee every college coach worth their salt knew all about them.

I truly wish all of the players well but to some of the parents (not all ) just the ones who think they know who all of the best players are and obviously think their daughter is one of them many of you are in for a rude awakening.

Why are you stating a bunch of jibberish that people already know?? Yawn…… Is there an actual point in your message?? Confused at why you’re posting