Originally Posted by Anonymous
I think the real problem here is that high hit and terrible pass in front of the goal. Get over yourselves and let the kids play and the coaches coach. Lots of things get said during a game. Anyone that has played any sport they care about will tell you that. Not a team 91 parent

Yeah, things get said during a game, but these are 10 & 11 year olds; not high school kids. Shouldn't be calling out a kid for being "a 9th grader" when he's not. Shouldn't be cursing at a kid. Shouldn't be instructing a 5th grader to break another 5th grader's arm. If you're not able to control your emotions to that extent then you probably shouldn't be coaching elementary-age kids. That goes for Cabell, MM, and every other coach. The game shouldn't be about you and your ego. Let the kids have fun playing the game; win or lose.