Originally Posted by Anonymous
I agree. I'm not going to defend Madlax, or any club for that matter. I understand the Madlax coach has a reputation and a lot of people bring up the Email fiasco as an example. I would argue that a lot, not all, but a lot of clubs and their coaches have a checkered past and much of it happens in private where not many can see.

You probably mean well, but you are enabling his terrible behavior by supporting him financially and by making these kind of statements. There are equal or better options than Madlax if you want great instruction, teammates and competition for you son. But even if Madlax was the only game in town, think about what you are telling your kid by having him play for that guy. You're saying that it's ok to play for him because the owner didn't threaten your son, only somebody else's son.

Using the "everyone else does it" rationale is sad. Think about all those gymnasts who have abused by coaches. Would it be right to tell your kid to continue to train under a suspected pedophile because a) it's a good club and b) other coaches are suspected of doing the same thing?