Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I was at the game - 2nd half only - and sat a few rows up behind the Manhasset bench. I did not hear either Manhasset coach yelling at the refs at all. And the statement that the Manhasset coach or coaches walked by her injured player to go to the ref to complain is nonsense. The collision between those two girls heads took my breathe away with concern. Both coaches ran out to their players and rightfully so. I couldn't believe both girls came back in to the game afterwards. The impact of their hit was tremendous. Just saying too, a ref sitting in front of me (who I recognize by face since he's been the ref of many games my daughter has played in in multiple sports), voiced aloud that he couldn't believe the call wasn't for a charge smile

The call was a charge on Manhasset. You have to be kidding with this response. DG was on the refs all game. She should of had a jersey on she was in the field so much. After the collision she argued the call. Everyone saw it - while both players were down.
just watched the play again on MSG,at exactly 76:00 play stops and you see 3 'set coaches run to the down player, at 76:05 DG turns to the refs and says something then turns back to her girl that is being attended to by 2 coaches at 76:10, to 76:28 she again turns to the refs and says something but is done by 76:30 before the video hits 77:00 both girls are up so your complaining about one minuet Mrs. Quinn. The girl was well taken care of. I wonder why you don't say anything about only one Wantaugh coach attending to their player. As for the call, I watched it over and over in slow motion and i will say it was a tough call, The 'set player had just gained possession while in full stride and took 2 steps before the collision, the Wantaugh girl never went to play the ball and rather stepped in front of the 'set girl and just barley stopped her feet before the collision. the Wantaugh girl could/should have been called for blocking seeing as she wasn't in a set defensive position . but at full speed it's a tough call. Should have been a toss. Either way it would not have helped 'set wantaugh was the better team that night

If you reviewed the game for this you need a life