Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
That's bs... You sub in and you sub out... You coach all your players to make the difference. THAT is what Strong Teams do. I have yet to see what you are referring to happen on any decent team.

you must not watch many good teams. watch the GC - Manhasset games in a couple of weeks and then come back and let us know how many bench players get on the field.

I kinda agree with that statement. The better players will play the majority of the time, especially in a GC-Manhasset game. The difference is that everyone on the field will contribute in some way shape or form. If there is a matchup to exploit then there is confidence with those on the field to do their job.

It sounds like at Huntington the ball is only being touch by a few players which will be snuffed out come playoff time by better teams.