Originally Posted by The Hop
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I'm sorry but to allow your own daughter (or even your own player) rack up 12 goals is gross. 12 of 17 goals - is ridiculous. If you are supposed to be such a great coach - develop more players rather than just your own daughter.

There are only 2 people on this planet that would defend padding 12 goals in an easy game and we all know their names... mommy and daddy. You can't even call this an argument because everyone except those 2 people would be in agreement.

Not so sure about that. The lynch mob may pile on but she scored 12 of 17 goals. So what.
Maybe we should also talk about the kids that don't pass and hog the ball and cause their teams to lose. That seams worse doesn't it. There are plenty of them. For example John Glenn. Those parents have voiced their frustration as well.
Just a thought.

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