Your son got coached by the best? Dude, save your money and have your kid hit the wall. Its cheaper and more effective. If he's not carrying around a stick 24-7 then your dream of Paul Rabil Jr going pro IS OVER before it even started. And do the math: Add up all the tutitons, privates, clinics, etc... You could pay your kid's full tuition to college 2x over..... Now if you say you enjoy it and it keeps your kid busy...that's a different story.

Ask your son how many points he scored on Xbox last night & then ask him to repeat 3 things "some of the best players in the game" told him at the $50 clinic...See which one you get a clearer answer to. Man, Im laughing soooo hard right now. So is anyone with 1/2 a brain that is reading this....