Originally Posted by Anonymous
Finish the season? I agree with that in "real world" circumstances....but in the Lax domain? C'mon man. Accepting lies & excuses, being discarded, having someone destroy your kid's self worth and getting zero in return for your "tuition"? If those are the lessons you want your kid to absorb then stay but then you need to pipe down. If not, you can walk at any time.

And if you paid for a full season, in advance, in the Covid era then 1. The directors love sheep that do that and 2. I have some magic beans for sale if your interested.

Not trying to be abrasive but that's just the way it is. "I put you in a detrimental situation for your development as a player and a young man but you have to finish it out" Say that aloud a few times and see if it still makes sense.... That's like saying "I paid for this dinner that is making you sick but eat it anyway" Wake up man.

Not the original poster, and I'm the first person to say "Finish the season, then make a change." but - what you say makes a lot of sense. If you've been sold a load of garbage, there is no shame in moving on ASAP. The club won't care - they have your money already. I've heard of clubs giving reduced tuition to player looking to switch mid-season.